Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring Break

                Feet in the sand and a beer in hand, Spring Break Jacksonville was an adventure from the start. 99 holes of miniature golf later, we find ourselves back in Louisville, wondering where the week went and how we are back in school already.
                Beginning with an eleven hour drive through the night with five fully grown men in a five-seater, we finally arrived in Jacksonville at about 7:00 AM. After about six hours of sleep, we were up again to have a breakfast of champions: ham sandwiches and beer.
                Throughout the course of the week we spent a majority of our time at the beach. We met with friends that were also in the area, and went to St. Augustine for a day where we surfed, wake boarded, and baked in the beautiful Florida sun.
                Without a full itinerary, mini-golf consumed a good portion of the rest of our time. We had two tournaments. One lasted a full three rounds, while the other was slimmed to two and a half because the course closed.
                From sitting shoulder to shoulder for more than twenty hours, to falling asleep on the beach, we made sure the trip was a success.

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