Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ron Paul Speaks to the Tea Party

                Ron Paul called for a large structural change to the federal government in front of a roaring crowd at the Virginia Tea Party Patriots Convention October 9, 2010. Paul says the United States federal government is too large and is only getting larger, a problem that needs to be addressed and fixed.
                Paul says that the government has worked their way into a serious problem by spending billions bailing out giants like Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. However, instead of consulting experts on how to fix the problem, they continue to spend more money and dig themselves deeper into the hole.
                “Do they come to them and ask them what to do? No! What they do, is they spend more money, they borrow more money, they print more money, and they come up with more regulations, and they think it’s going to help. I say we need to do the opposite!” said Paul.
                The money being spent by the federal government is being paid for by the American taxpayer, and the amount far exceeds what the American people can afford to pay. Paul also calls for an end to the Federal Reserve, claiming that nowhere in the Constitution does it say that the interest rates and the amount of money printed should be determined by a few people locked in a room in Washington. He says that the income tax and the IRS are completely un-American, and Americans should be able to keep the money they earn.
                Paul calls for an intellectual revolution. He says things are going to worse before they get better, but as long as the people continue to rally against a government that is doing wrong, they will listen to the masses.
                “When the majority of the people change their sentiment, governments will change.”

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