Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Michele Bachmann Goes to Iowa

            Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) spoke to the Iowans for Tax Relief on January 21 in Des Moines, preaching a message of essential change and reform in America.
            Bachmann spent around twenty minutes introducing her speech, establishing a connection with her fellow Iowans. She spoke about how she was born in Iowa, and the story of her family’s past immigration into the United States. She then dwelled on the uniqueness of such a nation where everybody is accepted, despite skin color, race, or religion, and how this nation is in danger. 
            Discussing Social Security’s financial woes, Bachmann stated, “The only thing we have is IOUs in the Social Security account.”  
            Social Security spent more money than it took in during 2010, running in the red six full years ahead of schedule.
Combining this number with Medicare drying up by 2017 and a federal deficit running in the trillions annually, Bachmann had little trouble firing up supporters in the crowd. After scaring the audience, which Bachmann did make the point that this was not her intention.
            Bachmann asked the audience how many of them consider their standard of living to be higher than their parents to which almost the entire audience raised their hand. When asked if they think their children will have a higher standard of living than them, the number was staggeringly lower.
After this troubling thought, Bachmann asked the audience, “Will we remain a nation of sovereign citizens where we make our own decisions or will we be ruled by self-appointed, bureaucratic elites?”
Calling the voters into action, Bachmann preached a message of change away from the Obama administration that has achieved a nightmare of reforms to the Republican Party.

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