Monday, January 17, 2011

Louisville Men's Swim & Dive Win Athlete Talent Show

The University of Louisville Men's Swimming and Diving team took home the winner's trophy on Martin Luther King Jr. Day during the first all athlete talent show hosted in the Brown and Williamson Club at Papa John's Cardinal Stadium. The competition was a blow out as the swim and dive team did a rendition of Andrea Bocelli's "Con te Partiro", with a simulated synchronized swimming routine behind a blue sheet before the crowd of just under 400 people. After the award was presented, senior and swim team captain Shane Lichtenberg was asked a few questions regarding the skit and where the idea came from. Lichtenberg answered by telling of a previous time the team was able to perform the same skit during their inter-squad meet two years previous. The event proceeds will go to the Brent Ocker Trust Fund. Ocker was diagnosed with a severe case of Botulism last Summer and spent over two months recovering, relearning how to speak and walk.

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